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Monday, June 2, 2008

Stefani School takes an Innovative Approach to Workshops

I have enjoyed visiting many schools over the last few months! Teachers and students at every school seem to love my lively, story readings. My assemblies work well because everyone at the school can participate. But it honestly has been a bit of a challenge for schools to decide who should attend my smaller, more discussion-oriented assemblies. Krystyna Gaestel, a teacher at 3rd-5Th grade Stefani School in Merced, developed a very successful approach for workshop attendance. Here's how Stephani School planned my full-day author visit:

Every teacher picked three students to attend each workshop, based on student interest. Kids who are drawn to research were picked to attend the "Get Your Facts Straight" workshop while those who love to write attended the "Writer's Workshop." Those who enjoy reading attended " A Writer's Life" and kids who face learning challenges participated in the "Try, Try and Try Again" workshop. The interest level in every workshop was outstanding. The kids were so excited, they returned to class and shared what they had learned with their classmates.

Here's Krystyna's feedback about the day:
I wanted to share with you the wonderful feedback and the many compliments that were given to you at Stefani. After school and today many teachers came up to say what a great day it was to have you at our school. The teachers were very pleased with how the workshops went--using the tickets and sending a few "chosen students" worked very well for them, the workshop students came back to class excited and eager to share. The assemblies were well received. Everyone appreciated and noticed how hard you worked. Thanks so much for a great day!

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