I am delighted to announce that my latest book, All About Korea, Stories, Songs, Crafts and More, will be released in the U.S. in mid-March. All About Korea takes you to meet Korea's people, places, and traditions. With dozens of stories, games, recipes and activities, readers will learn the most fun and fascinating things about Korea, from the countryside to the busy city like Seoul.
My two youngest children, Sarah and Jacob, were adopted from Korea. I believe it’s important for each of us to know our about cultural heritage, but it's especially important for those who were adopted from another country. Thus our family has gone out of our way to make Korean friends and to learn about the Korea and its culture. Writing this book was extra special for me; Korea became our dinnertime conversation, Jake helped with the development of the book’s crafts and Sarah helped with the recipes.
Educators and librarians, take note! During my lively, interactive All About Korea assembly, students will learn about Korea’s daring favorite games, unique holiday traditions and participate in the reading of a silly yet thoughtful Korean tale. But the All About Korea assembly doesn’t just celebrate the wonderful Korean culture, it celebrates all cultures of the world. Thus this delightful assembly meets the #1 National Social Studies Standard: Cultural Understanding! Contact me at abowler@surewest.net to schedule a visit your school or library.
To learn about my other story readings and workshops, visit http://www.annmartinbowler.com/. Learn more about All About Korea at: https://peripluspublishinggroup.com/tuttle/shopping/product_details.php?id=9780804840125
The next school I visited was anything but small! My days at the Taipei European School were absolutely fascinating! Located in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan's bustling capitol city, the Taipei European School, better known as "TES," has more than 1,100 students from over 50 countries. TES offers instruction in English, French and German, though many other languages are spoken on the campus. The TES students that I polled speak an average of three languages a piece! Talk about a multicultural education!
Below are photos, letters and even a newspaper created by TES students about my school visits.
Whenever I visit schools, I ask children, "What is your favorite book?" Some hands shoot up but others don't seem to have a favorite. So I always tell kids, "Find a book that you love! There is a book for everyone. Keep searching until you find that favorite type of book because books can take you anywhere you want to go!" My grandchildren, not surprisingly, are turning into reading nuts. I've put photos of them and their favorite books at the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy my blog!
My friend Susan came dressed for the occasion. She made a fine Emperor!
A happy group of successful performers. T.E.S. teacher, Mr. Michael Smith, did a particularly fine job playing the bull roarer!

My granddaughter Nalza loves to take care of her little sister, Alma Rose. Nazla is always up for some fun. It comes as no surprise to me that Nazla loves the Boxcar Children books, the classic series about four siblings who take wonderful care of one another while having some real adventures.

Educators and librarians, take note! During my lively, interactive All About Korea assembly, students will learn about Korea’s daring favorite games, unique holiday traditions and participate in the reading of a silly yet thoughtful Korean tale. But the All About Korea assembly doesn’t just celebrate the wonderful Korean culture, it celebrates all cultures of the world. Thus this delightful assembly meets the #1 National Social Studies Standard: Cultural Understanding! Contact me at abowler@surewest.net to schedule a visit your school or library.
To learn about my other story readings and workshops, visit http://www.annmartinbowler.com/. Learn more about All About Korea at: https://peripluspublishinggroup.com/tuttle/shopping/product_details.php?id=9780804840125
The next school I visited was anything but small! My days at the Taipei European School were absolutely fascinating! Located in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan's bustling capitol city, the Taipei European School, better known as "TES," has more than 1,100 students from over 50 countries. TES offers instruction in English, French and German, though many other languages are spoken on the campus. The TES students that I polled speak an average of three languages a piece! Talk about a multicultural education!
Below are photos, letters and even a newspaper created by TES students about my school visits.
Whenever I visit schools, I ask children, "What is your favorite book?" Some hands shoot up but others don't seem to have a favorite. So I always tell kids, "Find a book that you love! There is a book for everyone. Keep searching until you find that favorite type of book because books can take you anywhere you want to go!" My grandchildren, not surprisingly, are turning into reading nuts. I've put photos of them and their favorite books at the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy my blog!
The primary students from Garden Valley School very much enjoyed participating in the Gecko's Complaint story reading.
The middle grade students at Garden Valley School studied explorers, which is what prompted my visit. They knew an impressive amount about the Treasure Fleet voyages and they asked many great questions.
Thanks to the students from Garden Valley School for their wonderful letters. Here are a few of them:
Dear Annie Bowler,
I really loved the story of the Adventures of the Treasure Fleet. It was stupendous! I really liked the funny and weird instruments.
Zacheriali J.
Dear Annie Bowler,
Thank you for coming to our class to talk to us and read to us. I loved how you let us play the instruments and how you found the diaries from people 600 years ago. Thank the illustrator for her nice drawings.
Rachel S.
Dear Annie,
Thank you so much for coming to our class. The instruments were interesting. I've never seen anything like them. It's also interesting that you travel a lot. The book, Adventures of the Treasure Fleet was well written. I hope I can read, All About Korea when it comes out. I am so glad you came!
Thanks to the students from Garden Valley School for their wonderful letters. Here are a few of them:
Dear Annie Bowler,
I really loved the story of the Adventures of the Treasure Fleet. It was stupendous! I really liked the funny and weird instruments.
Zacheriali J.
Dear Annie Bowler,
Thank you for coming to our class to talk to us and read to us. I loved how you let us play the instruments and how you found the diaries from people 600 years ago. Thank the illustrator for her nice drawings.
Rachel S.
Dear Annie,
Thank you so much for coming to our class. The instruments were interesting. I've never seen anything like them. It's also interesting that you travel a lot. The book, Adventures of the Treasure Fleet was well written. I hope I can read, All About Korea when it comes out. I am so glad you came!
Students from 50 different nations attend TES. |
A happy group of successful performers. T.E.S. teacher, Mr. Michael Smith, did a particularly fine job playing the bull roarer!
Just like anywhere, the parents at Taipei European School want their children to be successful in school. Many parents came out to hear my thoughts on how to help your children be successful in school. |

My grandson Howi's favorite book is Dinotrux by Chris Gall. The book has so caught Howi's imagination, he searches for "dinotruxs" everywhere he goes! |
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