It's been a busy week! I camped in Yosemite for five days with my son Jacob's sixth grade class. At left are the hearty 12-year-olds who made it to the top of Yosemite falls. It was a tough hike but the view was absolutely amazing!
Yosemite is spectacular this spring! I could feel the ground shaking at night from all the water falling down the mountains. I can't wait to go back!
On Saturday, I participated in the Asian Pacific American Authors Celebration in Foster City. Young and old, it was a delightfully enthusiastic crowd. A special thanks to Sophie Wong, Mas Hongo and Philip Chin for their help with this fun reading!

Now that I am home, I was really interested to read a post on bias and/or racism within children's literature. The post was by Tarie Sabido, a teacher, book reviewer and passionate advocate of Kid Lit. She currently lives in the Philippines, and she recently participated in an international Kid Lit event in Singapore. Her insights are definitely food for thought. More on this topic soon......
Fabulous post. I love the pictures; there's something about seeing people from different generations with a book in their hands... :)
Thank you so much for the link love, Ann!
Lovely event. But let's remember that every celebration of non-Western, non-American cultures weakens our national sense of self. We come from Athens and Jerusalem. We are an offshoot of a Protestant ethic.
The Sino-culture has good features. It is not inherently anti-Western. But China is a nationalist group-oriented nation without freedom of speech or democracy. That is Confucian. It does not meld well with Luther and Protestantism.
Multiculturalism radically underestimates the import of culture. It makes it seem that all cultures are the same. It seem that our nation is just another and not special. It treats Somalian warlords as great as Thomas Edison.
We need to tone down multiculturalism and get back to our culturist roots. Culturism is much healthier than multiculturalism. That is why China uses it!!
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